Hoxton Square Paint Your Pillow and Fight Night. May 3rd 2007

April 20th, 2007

Come to Hoxton Square London on May 3rd 2007 from 6pm till 9pm for the “Paint Your Pillow and Fight Night” 

Opinionate Your Pillow!

April 5th, 2007

The PILLOW is your placard,
The FIGHT is your soap-box.

Opinionate your pillow.

Open your heart to
Start your pillow
Flex hands and mind to
Art your pillow

Prep and primp and prime your pillow
Scrawl or scribble or scribe your pillow
Daub or dab
Slap or swab
Print and tint and tone your pillow.

Own your pillow
Loan your pillow
Needle, thread and sew your pillow.

Enlist your pillow to
Mobilize your message.

or Celebrate
and Stimulate
or Liberate.

Power to your pillow.

Global Pillow Fight

March 15th, 2007

It is now official


It has a website


The date is set


July 28th 2007


a bloodless evolution


we do not need money


for this action


just our pillows


just our planet


for a fight to end all war


make our feelings and ideas




upon the place we brew our




so we know that there is space


to be heard


a currency of understanding


 will be created


to finance our evolution


in the heat of our battle


The unity of heart will pump


the diversity of our freedom


beyond the dictates


 of symbolism


and back again



to the many sparkly pleasures


of our twinkly toes


that will walk


the walk of kindness


with effortless perfection


towards our selves



Hand Dream

ps There is going to be

another one

 next year